Easily generate a color palette from any image using our simple tool. Just upload your image, and in seconds, you’ll see a beautiful palette of colors extracted directly from your photo. Whether you’re a designer, artist, or just need some color inspiration, this tool is perfect for creating customized palettes.
Every color in the palette comes with its HEX code, making it easy to use for web design, graphic projects, or personal use. The tool is fast, free, and simple!
Can I use any image format?
Yes, our tool supports PNG, JPEG, JPG, and GIF image formats.
How many colors can I generate from an image?
You can generate between 1 and 20 colors by adjusting the slider.
Do I need to install anything?
No, the tool works entirely online—no need to download or install anything.
What do I do with the HEX codes?
HEX codes are used to represent colors in web design, graphic design, and more. You can copy and use them wherever you need specific colors.
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