Our Color Name Finder tool is an easy way to discover the name of any color. Whether you’re a designer, artist, or just curious, this tool helps you identify what a specific color is called based on different color libraries. You can choose colors using a color picker or from swatches, and get names from libraries like HTML, Pantone, Basic, and more.
What does the Color Name Finder do?
The Color Name Finder helps you discover the name of any color by selecting it from a color picker or swatches. It displays the color name from different libraries like HTML, Pantone, and more.
Can I see additional information about the color?
Yes! Along with the name, you’ll also see the HEX, RGB, and HSV values of your selected color.
What color libraries are available?
You can choose from multiple libraries including Basic, HTML, NTC, Pantone, and X11 for color names.
How do I pick a color?
You can pick a color using the color picker or by selecting from the swatches available in the tool.
Can I use this tool for design projects?
Absolutely! It’s a perfect tool for designers and developers who need to identify and use specific color names in their projects.